We understand the complexities of the rental market and the challenges that landlords face. Being a landlord involves a wealth of knowledge and a multitude of responsibilities.

That's why we would always prefer to offer our services, whether it's to find a tenant or handle the complete management of your property. Building a solid relationship with a trusted agency that guides you through the potential pitfalls can be truly invaluable. We are always available to assist and collaborate with you whenever you need us.

For your convenience, we also provided some information below on what you should be aware of if you decide to manage your own properties:

  • Get to know your market and find out how many similar properties in your area are being rented for, so you can set your rent accordingly.
  • Think about your target audience and consider who your property would be suitable for: young families, students, single professionals, etc.
  • Decide whether to let the property as furnished or unfurnished. A property that offers a blank canvas is more appealing to most prospective tenants.

Legal Responsibilities for Landlords

The role of a landlord is not an easy one, to put it into perspective, there are currently around 145 pieces of legislation you need to adhere to when letting a property. By law, you must ensure your property is fit for purpose, and the safety of your tenants is paramount.

Electrical Safety Standards

The electrical safety standards came into force on 1 June 2020. They set out new rules to ensure all fixed electrical installations are safe and maintained correctly.

Gas Safety Checks for Landlords

Research has shown that more than one in three private landlords did not know it was their responsibility to get gas appliances checked. With this in mind, are you aware of your legal requirements concerning gas 'safety?

Complete an Annual Safety Check

You must arrange an annual safety check on all gas appliances and flues with a Gas Safe registered engineer. You can arrange a gas safety check two months before your current certificate's expiry date whilst retaining that expiry date (like a car's MOT).

Right to Rent Checks

In England, landlords are expected to carry out Right to Rent checks in line with the Immigration Act. You must check whether your tenants have the right to lawfully live in the UK—failure to do so can lead to a fine or jail term.

Tenancy agreements and deposit protection

The agreement outlines everyone's responsibilities but remember, just because something's in the agreement and signed, doesn't mean it's enforceable. In England, when issuing the tenancy agreement, tenants must also be provided with a copy of How to rent: the checklist for renting in England.

If you take a deposit from your tenant, you must protect it in a Government-approved tenancy deposit protection scheme.

Deposits must be protected within 30 days of receipt. In England, tenancy deposits are capped at five weeks’ rent where the annual rent is less than £50,000, and six weeks’ rent where the annual rent is £50,000 or more. There is no formal cap on tenancy deposits in Wales.

Landlord Insurance

Your current buildings and contents insurers must be made aware of your intention to let the property, otherwise you risk invalidating your policy. There are specialist policies available to landlords to protect you against potential losses. Shop around different insurance providers to find a deal that's right for you. Whilst insurance can seem expensive, the savings and compensation offered in the long run is invaluable.

The protection most policies offer includes:

  • Buildings insurance: for potential damage to the property’s structure or built-in features
  • Loss of rent insurance: when you’re unable to rent out your property through no fault of your own (such as a flood or fire), this covers the potential rent lost
  • Tenant default/rent guarantee insurance: covers any rent lost due to the tenant not paying
  • Contents insurance: covers any contents that you have provided (tenants must get a separate policy for their belongings)
  • Liability insurance: covers any legal costs if you are taken to court, e.g. if the property causes injury to a tenant or visitor.

Avoid disputes with a detailed inventory

A properly prepared inventory sets the scene for what you provide at the start of the tenancy. It plays a significant role in protecting both you and your tenant. A comprehensive inventory will help avoid disputes, whilst any such dispute that does arise at the end of the tenancy can be more easily resolved.

Regular inspections will also help, but remember you cannot legally enter the property without the tenant’s permission. It’s best practice to grant them 48 hours’ written notice (this should be stipulated in your tenancy agreement).

Make copies of any keys a tenant may need for windows, doors, gas supply and electricity meter. It’s also worth digging out instruction manuals for the boiler, cooker, white goods